超越“老男孩俱乐部”:金融分析师对职业人脉的利用 Beyond Old Boys’ Clubs: Financial Analysts' Utilization of Professional Connections

时间:2024-11-04         阅读:


主题超越“老男孩俱乐部”:金融分析师对职业人脉的利用 Beyond Old Boys’ Clubs: Financial Analysts' Utilization of Professional Connections

主讲人新加坡国立大学助理教授 杜梦乔

主持人西南财经大学金融研究院副教授 牛子龙



主办单位:金融研究院 科研处


杜梦乔于2022年加入新加坡国立大学,担任助理教授。她在德国曼海姆大学获得博士学位,并在攻读博士期间曾访问加州大学伯克利分校和迈阿密大学。她的研究主要集中在资本市场、财务分析师和劳动力市场,尤其关注与性别相关的课题,她的研究成果已发表在顶级期刊上,包括Journal of Accounting and Economics、the Review of Finance和the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization。



Women often lack the opportunity to enter exclusive social clubs, reaping fewer benefits from their social networks. We investigate, conditioning on having the opportunity to interact with the right people in a professional setting, whether women can better utilize connections for career performance and advancement than men. Using a unique dataset that documents when, where, and with whom a financial analyst interacts at investor conferences, we find that female analysts issue more accurate earnings forecasts than their male counterparts after establishing connections with the firm's executives. Further evidence suggests that female analysts overcome homophilly in interactions with executives and transform conference interactions into long-term relationships, enhancing forecast accuracy for up to three years. In addition, both the capital and labor markets recognize their superior ability to utilize connections. Our findings suggest that women capitalize on professional connections to their advantage, highlighting the benefits of promoting structured networking opportunities for women in professional environments.

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