主 题:Do Artificial Intelligence Technologies Complement or Displace Human Accountants? Evidence from Firms' Responses to Accounting Errors(人工智能技术是补充还是取代公司会计师?来自公司对会计错误反应的证据)
主讲人:长江商学院 那恪
主持人:西南财经大学会计学院 金智
时 间:10月9日15:00-16:30
地 点:诚正楼 650室
主办单位:新时代中国特色财务与会计理论创新与方法体系研究团队 数字经济重大基础理论与实践创新研究团队 会计学院 科研处
主讲人简介:那恪博士现任长江商学院会计学助理教授,其在2014年获得美国罗切斯特大学会计学博士学位,之后任教于香港大学商学院。他于2020年加入长江长江商学院,讲授财务会计和管理会计等课程。那教授主要从事高管薪酬,公司治理, 企业税务规划, 财务报表和审计质量的研究,研究论文主要发表于《The Accounting Review》、《Journal of Financial Economics》、《Review of Accounting Studies》和《Management Science》等期刊。
摘要:This paper examines whether artificial intelligence (AI) complements or displaces human accountants in companies. We document that firms tend to increase their AI capacities and hiring of human accountants after the announcements of restatements due to accounting errors. The increase in AI capacity is more pronounced for firms that also hire more human accountants. These investments in AI and accounting expertise are associated with a significant decrease in the probability of future restatements. Importantly, the effect of jointly increasing both AI and accounting expertise on future restatements appears to be stronger than the sum of the effects of improving AI and accounting expertise individually, indicating potential synergies between AI and accounting expertise in improving financial reporting quality.