Learning Short and Long Term Failure Patterns from Massive Network Failure Data 从大量网络故障数据中学习短期和长期故障模式

时间:2024-05-24         阅读:


主 题Learning Short and Long Term Failure Patterns from Massive Network Failure Data 从大量网络故障数据中学习短期和长期故障模式

主讲人新加坡国立大学 叶志盛教授

主持人管理科学与工程学院 肖辉教授

时间:6月4日 9:30-11:30


主办单位:管理科学与工程学院 科研处


叶博士获得清华大学材料科学与工程和经济学联合学士学位(2008)。获新加坡国立大学博士学位。他目前是新加坡国立大学工业系统工程与管理系教授兼系主任。他的研究领域包括可靠性建模、估计和优化、基于状态的维护和数据驱动的决策。他的研究成果发表在可靠性、统计学和运营管理领域的旗舰期刊上,包括Technometrics、JQT、IISE Trans、ITR、RESS、JRSS-B、JASA、Biometrika、JMLR、MSOM和POMS。


Many lifeline infrastructure systems consist of thousands of components configured in a complex directed network. Disruption of the infrastructure constitutes a recurrent failure process over a directed network. Statistical inference for such network recurrence data is challenging because of the large number of nodes with irregular connections among them. In this talk, we focus on both short term cascading failures and long term ageing failures. Repair of a pipe might generate shocks to neighbouring pipes and cause short term cascading failures. Understanding the short-term cascading failure is important for the utility to allocate additional resources to monitor the neighbouring pipes after a repair. On the other hand, understanding long-term failures is helpful in risk analysis of the whole pipe network and prioritizing replacements of old pipes. Statistical modelling of the two failure modes are extremely challenging because of the large pipe network and the huge failure data set. We develop novel statistical methods that are computationally tractable to fit the data. Applying the methods to a large data set from the Scottish Water network, we demonstrate the usefulness of our models in aiding operation management and risk assessment of the water utility.


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