Inference on tree-structured subgroups with subgroup size and subgroup effect relationship in clinical trials在临床试验中对具有子组大小和子组效应关系的树形结构子组进行推断

时间:2024-05-21         阅读:


主题:Inference on tree-structured subgroups with subgroup size and subgroup effect relationship in clinical trials在临床试验中对具有子组大小和子组效应关系的树形结构子组进行推断

主讲人:香港科技大学 罗远晖 在读博士生

主持人:统计学院 陈雪蓉教授

时间:5月24日 15:30-16:30


主办单位:统计研究中心 统计学院 科研处




Subgroup analysis is frequently used to uncover and confirm treatment effect heterogeneity in clinical trials. When multiple candidate subgroups are considered, we often need to make statistical inference on the subgroups simultaneously. Classical multiple testing procedures might suffer from the loss of interpretability and efficiency as they often fail to take subgroup size and subgroup effect relationship into account. In this talk, built on the selective traversed accumulation rules (STAR), we propose a data-adaptive and interactive multiple testing procedure for subgroups which can take subgroup size and subgroup effect relationship into account under tree structure. The proposed method is easy-to-implement and can lead to a more efficient and interpretable inference on tree-structured subgroups. We demonstrate the merit of our proposed method by re-analyzing the panitumumab trial with the proposed method. This talk is based on joint work with Prof. Xinzhou Guo (HKUST).


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