Cultivating Creditors: Evidence from Bank-Experienced Director Appointments 培养债权人:来自银行经验丰富的董事任命的证据

时间:2024-04-23         阅读:


主题:Cultivating Creditors: Evidence from Bank-Experienced Director Appointments


主讲人:北京大学 光华管理学院麻志明教授 

主持人:会计学院 易阳副院长

时间:4月23日 15:00-16:30


主办单位:会计学院 习近平经济思想研究院 科研处


麻志明,北京大学光华管理学院会计学教授、博士生导师、北京大学光华管理学院会计系主任、北京大学光华管理学院MPAcc项目执行主任、教育部青年长江学者。他先后从北京大学、香港科技大学取得经济学学士、硕士和会计学博士学位。他研究兴趣广泛,研究领域包括债务契约、公司治理、税务、政府会计与审计、会计与金融之间的交叉课题等,长期从事相关领域的研究和教学活动,获得过北京大学曹凤岐金融发展基金“金融青年科研优秀奖”,北京大学优秀教学奖,中国工商银行奖教金等。学术论文发表于Journal of Financial Economics (JFE), Journal of Accounting and Economics (JAE), Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR), Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA), Review of Accounting Studies(RAS), Accounting, Organizations and Society (AOS),《经济研究》,《金融研究》,《会计研究》等国际与国内顶级学术期刊,担任国内外多个重要期刊的编辑委员或评审委员。


We investigate whether hiring independent directors with prior experience in bank borrowing helps firms receive lower-cost loans through new banking relationships. Our analyses use the appointment of bank-experienced directors to evaluate their ability to facilitate new relationship banking opportunities. The tests reveal that focal firms with newly appointed bank-experienced directors obtain lower-cost loans (12 basis points) from banks where these directors had previous relations. Contrary to director monitoring explanations, our evidence suggests borrowers choose independent directors to gain bank connections. The findings indicate that bank-experienced directors provide valuable opportunities for firms to access new external financing.


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